Antoine Trouvé Senior Data Analyst at Kabuk Style Former CTO, Director and Co-founder of Team AIBOD Former professor at Kyushu University, System Architecture Laboratory Ph.D. in Computer Science

Resume highlights

From Sep. 2023
Senior Data Analyst, Kabuk Style (data pipeline maintenance, on-demand data analysis, AI for fintech, data-culture evangelist, data-first SaaS product design)
From Sep. 2019
to Sep. 2023
CTO, Director and co-founder, Team AIBOD (consulting, development and teaching in the field of data analysis and machine learning)
From Feb. 2018
to Sep. 2023
Founding member, Mekiki (development of iOS application to recognize brand goods targeted at auctions and paw shops)
Jun. 2016 CTO and co-founder, Team AIBOD (consulting, development and teaching in the field of data analysis and machine learning)
Sept. 2016 CTO and co-founder, あしたの学びラボ (company behind the development of the FISDOM MOOC platform)
From Apr. 2014
to Jun. 2016
Assistant professor, Kyushu University, System Architecture Laboratory
Sept. 2011 Doctor of engineering, Kyushu University, System Architecture Laboratory (processor architecture for embedded systems and supercomputers)
From Feb. 2007
to Aug. 2016
Researcher, System Architecture Laboratory ISIT

Recent Seminars

機械学習・データ分析入門. AIBODセミナー事業. 2 consulting sessions of 2 hour each.
Aug. 2022
データサイエンス基礎. 九州ネクストリーダー塾2022. Invited as speaker.
Jul. 2021
AIをDX化する時代のチームAIBOD. 福岡DXスクール. Invited as speaker. [event]
Feb. 2020
地方発グローバルAI企業が目指す、誰も使えるAIプラットフォーム. オープンイノベーション室開設記念フォーラム. Invited as panelist. [event]
Jul. 2019
福岡からAIの先端分野を突き進む フランス人凄腕エンジニア. Engineer Friendly City Fukuoka. Interview. [article]
大手企業向け機械学習教育セミナー. 2-day workshop on machine learning using the R language. Team AIBOD consulting activity. [info]
Oct. 2016
データ解析・AIを使ってみよう!. Introductory hands-on workshop on machine learning using the R language. BODIK workshop. [event]
大手企業向け機械学習教育セミナー. 3-day workshop on machine learning using the R language. Team AIBOD consulting activity. [info]
大手企業向け機械学習教育セミナー. 3-day workshop on machine learning using the R language. Team AIBOD consulting activity. [info]
大手企業向け機械学習教育セミナー. 3-day workshop on machine learning using the R language. Team AIBOD consulting activity. [info]
大手企業向け機械学習教育セミナー. 3-day workshop on machine learning using the R language. Team AIBOD consulting activity. [info]
Nov. 2015
オープンデータを活用しよう~初めてのウェブアプリ. Introductory hands-on workshop on technologies to develop web applications. Includes some exercises to create maps and graphs. BODIK workshop. [event] [exercises] [pdf]
Oct. 2015
BODIC.orgとSPARQL. Introductory seminar to the technologies around the semantic web. Some reflexions about its limitations. Introduction to 北九州学術学研都市産学連携フェア. [event] [pdf]
Aug. 2015
初めてのSPARQL. Introductory hands-on workshop to the semantic web, the RDF, and the SPARQL query language. BODIK workshop. [event] [pdf]
Apr. 2015
トリプルストア,RDF,SPARQL:今勉強しないと送れますよ!. Introductory seminar to the semantic web, the RDF, and the SPARQL query language. QCON Tokyo 2015. [event] [pdf]
Feb. 2015
SPARQL演習会. Introductory seminar to the semantic web, the RDF, and the SPARQL query language. BODIK seminar. [event] [pdf]

On-Going Pet Projects


Hoposhell is a SaaS Software to securely access remote computers without public access or VPN. [current]

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Dino Battle

Dinosaur-themed card game. [current]


iOS AI-enabled application to generate coloring pages from any image or picture. [current]

Custom Mechanical Keyboard for macOS

Custom RGB mechanical keyboard with Apple Japanese Layout layout. [pending]

Smart Switch IoT

Smart switch that works as expected in both the physical and virtual world. [pending]


Markdown-based generator of HTTP APIs. Supports charts. Available in NPM. [pending]

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Send react-redux actions between client and servers through web-sockets. Available in NPM. [pending]

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Implementation of the grammar of graphics on the of the D3 library (includes R bindings) [pending]

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Technologies I work with every day

RmongodbtypescriptKubernetesDockerRustSwift/iOSmachine learningNextJSJavaBig QueryReactnode.jsC#MlOpsagile developmentDevOpsJuliaHTTP APIredisPythonSQLRubyImage ProcessingGoogle CloudAWS EC2Language ProcessingStripeAWS ECSDeep Learning

Technical books I liked

Past Research Projects


Machine-learning driven code optimization at single-core level [over]

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Open access to compilation result data sets [over]


System to store and distribute open data about public facilities for the Japanese ministry of internal affairs. [over]


Retargetable simulator for reconfigurable processor, written in C#. [over]


Very fast functional simulator for MIPS architecture based on dynamic binary translation from assembly to .NET bytecode. [over]


Compiler for dynamically reconfigurable processor, with automatic generation of custom ISA. [over]

Published Research Papers

On Clustering Algorithms: Applications in Word-Embedding Documents. Israel Mendonça, Antoine Trouvé, Akira Fukuda, Kazuaki J. Murakami Journal of Computers Vol. 14, January 2019

Exploring a Topical Representation of Documents for Recommendation Systems. Israel Mendonça, Antoine Trouvé, Akira Fukuda, Kazuaki J. Murakami iCAST, September 2018

A Concise Conversion Model for Improving the RDF Expression of ConceptNet Knowledge Base Hua Chen, Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki J. Murakami, Akira Fukuda Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, January 2018

An intelligent annotation-based image retrieval system based on RDF descriptions Hua Chen, Antoine Trouvé Computers & Electrical Engineering Vol. 58, February 2017

Guide Automatic Vectorization by means of Machine Learning: A Case Study of Tensor Contraction Kernels Antoine Trouvé, Arnaldo J, Cruz, Kazuaki Murakami, Masaki Arai, Tadashi Nakahira, Eiji Yamanaka IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, June 2016

Interactive Visualization of Quantitative Data with G2D3 Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki Murakami International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, August 2015

総論:ビッグデータの活用技術と利用の展開 村上 和彰, 後藤 孝行, トルヴェ アントワン 電気評論, June 2015 no review

A survey on big data processing infrastructure: evolving role of FPGA Krishna Chaitanya Nunna, Farhad Mehdipour, Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki Murakami International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 154-156, March 2015

Predicting Vectorization Profitability using Binary Classification Antoine Trouvé, Arnaldo Cruz, Dhouha Ben Brahim, Fukuyama Hiroki, Kazuaki Murakami, Hadrien Clarke, Masaki Arai, Tadashi Nakahira, Eiji Yamanaka IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, vol.E97-D,No.12, December 2014

HP3C (HPC Compiler in the Cloud): a Compilation System using Machine Learning Techniques for Optimization Scenarios Exploration Miho Tanaka, Antoine Trouvé, Arnaldo Cruz, Fukuyama Hiroki, Jun Maki, Masaki Arai, Tadashi Nakahira, Eiji Yamanaka, Kazuaki Murakami SIG Technical Reports, December 2013 no review

SIMD Performance Estimation using Statistical Machine Learning Kenta Ogata, Antoine Trouvé, Jun Maki, Hadrien Clarke, Kazuaki Murakami SIG Technical Reports, December 2013 no review

Using machine learning in order to improve automatic SIMD instruction generation Antoine Trouvé, Arnaldo J. Cruz, Hiroki Fukuyama, Jun Maki, Hadrien Clarke, Kazuaki Murakami, Masaki Arai, Tadashi Nakahira, Eiji Yamanaka The Eighth International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT), June 2013 [pdf]

MAD7: a memory architecture simulator targeted at design space exploration Hadrien Clarke, Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki Murakami The International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), May 2013

A Comparison of DAG and Mesh Topologies for Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Array Jonathan Antusiak, Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki Murakami 19th Reconfiguranble Architecture Workshop (RAW), May 2012

Optimisations techniques for the exact automatic customisation algorithm Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki Murakami IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, vol. E95-D nb. 2, pp. 437-440, February 2012

PASTIS: a Photonic Arbitration with Scalable Token Injection Scheme Julien Tribino, Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki Murakami International Workshop on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART), June 2012

Augment DR-ASIP Flexibility Through Multi-Mode Custom Instructions Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki Murakami ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, vol. 39 nb. 4, pp. 90-93, September 2011

Efficient, Automatic ISA Customisation for Configurable Processors Antoine Trouvé PhD thesis, Kyushu University, 2011

Augment DR-ASIP Flexibility Through Multi-Mode Custom Instructions Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki Murakami International Workshop on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART), May 2011

A Fast, Flexible and Portable Design Space Exploration Tool for DR-ASIP Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki Murakami Design Automation and Tests in Europe (DATE) – PhD Forum, March 2011

FFast: Efficient Application of Compiled Simulation Techniques to a Fast ISS Over a Virtual Machine Antoine Trouvé, Kazuaki Murakami Workshop on Rapid Simulation & Performance Evaluation: Methods and Tools (RAPIDO), january 2010

Accelerating Cryptographic Applications Using Dynamically Reconfigurable Functional Units Antoine Trouvé, Lovic Gautier, Takayuki Kando, Benoit Ryder, Sebastien Pouzols, Pradeep Rao, Norifumi Yoshimatsu, Kazuaki Murakami International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), December 2009

A dynamic reconfigurable processor and a design tool for the next generation ECUs Norifumi Yoshimatsu, Antoine Trouvé, Takayuki Kando, Kazuaki Murakami International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), p. 388, November 2009 invited

A Study of the Dynamic Reconfigurable Processor Vulcan2 and Its Development Tool ISAcc Tetsuo Hiraki, Shingo Kadouchi, Yosuke Yamazaki, Takayuki Kando, Lovic Gautier, Victor Goulart, Antoine Trouvé, Koji Inoue, Kazuaki Murakami RECONF, pp. 73-78, May 2007 no review

Redefis: Automatic Generation of Dynamic Reconfigurable ASIPs-The Dynamic Reconfigurable Processor Vulcan2 and Its Development Tool ISAcc Takayuki Kando, Lovic Gautier, Victor Goulart, Antoine Trouvé, Tetsuo Hiraki, Yosuke Yamazaki, Kazuaki Murakami Embedded Systems (EMB), vol. 4, pp. 97-102, January 2007 no review

Former Lecture Materials

Jun. 2015
Thread Programming. Hands-on lecture on thread programming using pthreads and openmp. Application to the parallelization of an image-edge-detection algorithm. Advanced Computer Architecture, Master 1, Kyushu University. [pdf]
May 2015
Asynchronous and Parallel Programming. Introduction to general concepts of asynchronous and parallel programming. Ends with exercises using pthreads. Advanced Computer Architecture, Master 1, Kyushu University. [pdf]
Jul. 2014
計算機科学入門:最適化コンパイラ. Introduction to optimizing compilers through super computers and the history of programming languages. Introduction to Computers, 2nd year, Kyushu University. [pdf]
Jun. 2014
Instruction-Level Parallelism and Automatic Vectorization. Introduction to vector instructions and automatic vectorization in modern compilers. Advanced Computer Architecture, Master 1, Kyushu University. [pdf]
Jun. 2014
Introduction to Optimizing Compilers. Introduction to compilers: what they are, and how they are useful to optimize programs. Advanced Computer Architecture, Master 1, Kyushu University. [pdf]


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